Mountaineer CrossFit – Teens
Warm-up (No Measure)
20 Lunges (10 each)
Bottom of Squat Hold (60 seconds)
20 Squats
Duck Walk (3 mats)
Box Step Ups (10 each leg)
20 Plank Shoulder Touches (Controlled!!!)
Pistols (Practice From Box or Ground)
Lower boxes are easier, higher boxes are tougher. Try with little to no assistance from non-weighted leg
Wall Walk (Practice Wall Climbs/Holds)
If your belly can touch the wall without a dip in the low back, practice climbs. If not, practice holds while maintining hollow body position
Metcon (Time)
For Quality/Time:
8 Wall Climbs/Holds
6 Pistols (3 each leg)
6 Wall Climbs/Holds
12 Pistols (6 each leg)
4 Wall Climbs/Holds
18 Pistols (9 each leg)
2 Wall Climbs/Holds
24 Pistols (12 each leg)