Mountaineer CrossFit – Beginners
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m Run
10 KB
50 Mountain climbers
Helen (Time)
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
200m Run
10 KB
50 Mountain climbers
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
3 Rounds
Run 200m
50ft Punter’s Walk
100ft Karaoke
5 Broad Jump
Max Effort 400m Run
For Time:
150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
2 Rounds:
50 Mountain Climbers
20 Monster Walks
20 Wall Balls
50′ Punters Walk
3 Rounds for time
20 Pull-ups
20 Push press
100 Double Unders
2 Rounds:
Run 100m
10 Burpees
10 squats
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Push Press
10 Box Jumps
10 Kettlebell swings
15 burpees
15 situps
50 DU or 100 single jump ropes
400m run
50 situps
50 pushups HR
50 air squats
200M run
40 pushups HR
40 air squats
200m run
30 situps
30 pushups HR
30 air squats
200m run
20 situps
20 pushups HR
20 air squats
400m run
2 Rounds
10 Band Pull Aparts
10 Turkish Getups
:20 Table top Stretch
5 Rounds for time:
12 Deadlifts, 155# / 105#
9 Hang Power Cleans, 155# / 105#
6 Push Jerks, 155# / 105#
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009
To learn more about DT click here
***Saturday class is at 9:00am at Cheat Lake. There will be no weightlifting class on Saturday!***
2 Rounds
Row 20 Calories
20 V-ups
:30 Pigeon Stretch
Clean, 135# / 95#
Ring Dips
***Saturday class is at 9:00am at Cheat Lake. There will be no weightlifting class on Saturday!***
2 Rounds
15 Band Pull Aparts
:30 Thoracic Foam Roll
:30 Shoulder Extension Stretch from barbell
15 KB Swings
Scale to Max Handstand Hold
Max Height Box Jump
For time:
50 Calorie Assault Bike
***Saturday class is at 9:00am at Cheat Lake. There will be no weightlifting class on Saturday!***
7pm Class will be at CL due to MountainFest
50 jumping jacks
20 kareokes
20 push ups
3 rounds:
500m row
20 KB SWINGS 53/35
15box jumps/steps 24/20″
***Saturday class is at 9:00am at Cheat Lake. There will be no weightlifting class on Saturday!***
2 Rounds
10 Turkish Getups
20 V-Ups
50 Mountain climbers
For Time:
50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
21 Thruster, 95#
800 meter run
21 Thruster, 95#
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups
In honor of Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq June 8th 2006.
To learn more about Daniel click here