Mountaineer CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
Run 200m
20 V-ups
Deadlift (3×8@70%)
Metcon (Time)
Hang Power Clean 115lbs/75lbs
Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
2 Rounds
Run 200m
20 V-ups
Hang Power Clean 115lbs/75lbs
Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
2 Rounds
50ft Crab Walk
20 Side Plank Rotations
Run 200m
20 Pushups
20 Pullups
RX+ Version
Run 200m
10 Bar Muscle-ups
2 Rounds
20 Calorie Row
50ft Walking Lunge
Row 2000m
100 Wall Ball 20lbs/14lbs
50 DB Snatch 50lbs/35lbs
2 Rounds
10 Turkish Getups
50ft Crab Walk
10 PVC Pass Thrus
5 Rounds
Run 800
10 Deadlift 225lbs/155lbs
20 Bar Facing Burpees
2 Rounds
50ft Crab Walk
15 V-ups
15 Wall Ball
20 Side Plank Rotations
For total time:
15 front squats
30 toes-to-bars
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 bar muscle-ups
15 thrusters
Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.
F: 65 lb. for the front squats and thrusters
M:95 lb. for the front squats and thrusters
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.3 RX (Ages 16-54) click here
Complete the following complex for max load:
1 deadlift
1 clean
1 hang clean
1 jerk
Time begins immediately following the completion of 21.3.
Time cap: 7 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.4 RX & Scaled (Ages 16-54) click here
For total time:
15 front squats
30 hanging knee-raises
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 chin-over-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.
F: 45 lb. for the front squats and thrusters
M: 65 lb. for the front squats and thrusters
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.3 Scaled (Ages 16-54) click here
2 Rounds
Row 20 Calories
:30 Flutter Kicks
1- 12 Burpees
2- :40 Wall Sit
3- 3 Wall Walks
4- 50 Double Unders
5- 20 V-ups
2 Rounds
10 Turkish Getups
20 Jumping Lunges
Run 800m
15 Thrusters 95lbs/65lbs
15 Ring Dips
2 Rounds
50ft Crab Walk
:30 Hollow Hold
Row 30 Calories
20 Pushups
10 Hang Power Clean 115lbs/75lbs
2 Rounds
Row 20 Calories
20 Side Plank Rotations
Every 2:30
Run 400m
15 Toes to Bar
15 KB Swings 53lbs/35lbs
2 Rounds
10 Turkish Getups
20 Side Plank Rotations
10 PVC Pass Thrus
Every 10 Minutes (3 Rounds)
Run 800m
15 Chest to Bar Pullups
20 Wall Ball 20lbs/14lbs
RX+ = 12/9 Bar Muscle-ups